Flexible Multibody Dynamics Software - RecurDyn

RecurDyn is a Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) software focused on Flexible Multibody Dynamics (MBD), with extended multiphysics capabilities. RecurDyn Multibody Dynamics Software combines the power of an optimized recursive solver with superior contact technology, providing best-in-class simulation performances. The effectiveness of RecurDyn really comes out when approaching large-scale multibody models, including multiple contacts and flexible bodies.

Along with the powerful solver, RecurDyn features a natural Windows-based User Interface which is intuitive and easy to use, as well as a custom application development environment which enables users to automate complicated and/or tedious tasks.

Pre/Post environment specialized for MBD analysis

RecurDyn provides a fast and efficient modeling environment. The MBD optimized UI is based on the feedback from experts and engineers in the field of MBD.

Fast, accurate and diverse contact library

RecurDyn enables you to quickly and accurately analyze contacts in a complicated model using world-class contact algorithms. In addition, the Contact library is optimized for specific geometries such as ellipsoid, cylinder, or box.

Analysis of the motion of an assembly containing rigid and flexible bodies

It is possible to simulate nonlinear elastic cases including contact and large deformation as well as linear elastic cases. The processes of mesh creation and durability analysis are also supported within RecurDyn.

Scalability for multidisciplinary integrated analysis

RecurDyn provides the scalability for multidisciplinary integrated analysis such as simulation between the mechanical system and fluids through co-simulation with CFD software, control system simulation through co-simulation with Simulink, AMESIM, SimulationX (etc.), and optimal design of mechanical systems using robust optimization algorithms.

Flexible vs Rigid

MFBD (Multi Flexible Body Dynamics) in RecurDyn is a technology to analyze the dynamic behavior of systems which include both rigid bodies and flexible bodies. It is the combination of MBD (Multi-Body Dynamics) analyzing the rigid body motion and the Finite Element Method (FEM) to analyze the motion, stresses, and deformation within flexible bodies. RecurDyn’s solver combines with these two components into a single solver. RecurDyn is much faster and more robust than a co-simulation approach.


Toolkits for Every Dynamic Situation

Various toolkits support complex sub-systems, including: media transport products such as printers and copiers; track assemblies on products such as construction machinery, military vehicles and recreational vehicles; machinery components such as gears, belts, and chains. The toolkits allow the user to perform modeling for a specific industry field quickly and easily and then conduct an accurate analysis of complicated mechanical systems with specialized solvers.


Automation / Customization

A specialized environment for the automation of repeated tasks and creating custom UI.

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A high performance optimization tool, AutoDesign, that requires very little knowledge of optimization to use because of its straightforward user interface.

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The RecurDyn/Gear toolkit is used to define and analyze systems of gears. It defines the gear geometry, the contact surfaces, and it provides a specialized solver code for the gear system.

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The RecurDyn/Belt toolkit is used for the modeling of belts and pulleys systems. MFBD technology can be used, which makes it possible to produce more realistic analyses by modeling belts as flexible bodies.

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The RecurDyn/Bearing toolkit is used for the modeling of bearing systems. It simplifies the creation of bearings and the contact surfaces.

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The RecurDyn/Chain toolkit dramatically simplifies the modeling of complex chain systems and automatically defines contacts within the chain system, including contacts between the chain links. It also includes a highly specialized solver for chain systems.

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Media Transport

RecurDyn's media transport toolkits are for analyzing transport systems for flexible media, such as paper, films, and cards. This toolkit automates the modeling and analysis of sheets as flexible bodies and dramatically simpliffes the creation of rollers and guides, making it the ultimate tool for the layout and design of media transport systems. In addition, the toolkits also include various sensors and tools to model air resistance, suction, and static electricity.

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Time Signal Generator

The RecurDyn/TSG finds an actuator signal in a RecurDyn model that causes an output signal (like a position, velocity, or acceleration) in the RecurDyn model to match an existing target signal provided by the user. This enables RecurDyn to reproduce a behavior that was measured in an actual mechanical system. 

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EHD Bearing & Piston

RecurDyn/EHD calculates the thickness of the oil film and the corresponding pressure and force from the behavior information of the mechanical system. The effect of this pressure on the body is also taken into account in the simulation.

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Easy and fast modeling of springs that have dynamic responses that are a function of the mass with the coils of the spring

It can be used to show different behavior depending on the position of the spring or to consider contacts between spring coils.

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RecurDyn/Tire provides a library to simulate the tires used in vehicles. Various types of tire modules (UA, Fiala, FE-Tire, MF-Tyer, MF Swift) are supported, depending on the application.



RecurDyn/MachineTool allows manufacturers of machine tools to utilize MBD more easily and efficiently. It was developed based on the demands of manufacturers in the field using the joint efforts of Function Bay, IWB (Technical University of Munich), and FRAMAG (machine tool manufacturer).


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Engine Toolkits

RecurDyn's engine toolkits dramatically simplifes the modeling and analysis of the major components of internal combustion engine systems, such as valves, pistons and crankshafts. This allows you to create and analyze highly realistic engine models quickly and easily.

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TrackLM / TrackHM

The RecurDyn/TrackLM toolkit includes various libraries (for example, Track Link, Wheel, and Sprocket) for the simplication of the modeling of the low-speed tracked vehicle systems used in construction and heavy equipment. while the TrackHM toolkit includes various libraries (for example, Track Link, Wheel, and Sprocket) for the simplification of the modeling of the high-speed tracked vehicle systems used in tanks and other military vehicles. Both toolkits provides a UI and analysis solver optimized for high-mobility tracked vehicle systems.



A diverse set of tools to analyze mechanism models coupled with the control system algorithm.

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