Boat Hull Design with CFD

Starting from April 2018, the LincoSim web application was opened to three groups of industrial partners involved in the LINCOLN project and it has been massively used to support the design process of innovative vessels by means of automatic CFD runs. The preliminary statistical results in terms of usability and robustness are really encouraging. Hundreds of simulations have been carried out by nonexpert users in a few months. Nonetheless, we are now undertaking full validation tests to more properly assess the application’s accuracy by referencing towing tank data. This last activity, planned for completion by September 2019, should provide a meaningful benchmark on the real effectiveness of the tool. To see full case study click here:

Transmission Oil Lubrication CFD Analsyis

Introduction of Particlesworks into Univance Corporation Oil has various important roles in lubrication, cooling, buffering and air tightness, whereas it causes torque loss for its flow resistance. For that reason, enough considerations and arguments are necessary for deciding conditions of oil physical property and quantity, and shape optimization. Therefore there was a requirement in Univance Corporation to confirm the real phenomena by simulation because it was too difficult to understand it only by Visualization of Oil Lubrication in the Transfer Case and the Transmission using Particleworks Fig. 1 – Products for automotive Oil has various important roles in lubrication, cooling, buffering and air tightness, whereas it causes torque loss for its flow resistance 22 – Newsletter EnginSoft Year 14 n°2 Case Histories Newsletter EnginSoft Year 14 n°2 – 23 experiment, which couldn’t be realized at that time. After a while, the request to visualize oil sloshing and lubrication for sufficient evaluation has increased and they’ve finally come into introduction of Particleworks through comparison with other CFD competitive solvers and benchmark test. In addition to fluid analysis, they need co-simulation of the chain behavior and the oil lubrication in the transfer case which is their key product. In other words, MBD has been a must and RecurDyn which can be coupled simulation with Particleworks has been introduced as well. Read the full case study here:

Tracked Vehicle Dynamics Modeling and Simulation Methodology

Many Army vehicles require tracks in order to meet the tough mobility requirements for the Army mission profile. Modeling and Simulation (M&S) provides a large cost-savings and offers a quick turnaround when addressing vehicle performance issues. Once a baseline model is built for a given system, the model can be changed quickly to address different load or usage profiles and to determine the overall affect on the vehicle and its performance. Tracked vehicles present a number of challenges, however, due to the large number of interactions between all the track and suspension components. Prior methods for analyzing tracked vehicle performance through M&S led to either simplified vehicle models or very long compute times due to the level of detail required to properly model tracked vehicles. RecurDyn offers a number of potential benefits by using a recursive dynamic formulation which takes advantage of the fact that every track shoe is the same and that each track segment is connected to one another in the same manner. The software exploits this symmetry to greatly reduce model development times, complexity, and computational run times. RecurDyn features a user-friendly, graphical user interface (GUI), or front end, and a track-building toolkit (a.k.a. Trackbuilder). This front end saves time building the models by eliminating repeated processes, allowing the user to define one track segment and repeat it around the track loop. The software package also includes a built-in control program called CoLink, which can be used to control and drive vehicle models. A methodology and library of standard templates were developed by the author to enhance the usability of RecurDyn specific to tracked vehicles. The end result is a dramatic decrease in tracked vehicle model build and run times, which in many cases makes simulation a faster, more cost effective option than the build-test-break-fix-test cycle of the past. These methodologies and templates are intended to serve as a reference for future TARDEC engineers learning to model tracked vehicles. To date, these templates include: path following terrain profiles, NATO double lane change, side slopes, performance on grades, and steady state turning circles. Additional events will be programmed as needed and added to the library. The final conclusion of this effort is that RecurDyn is both useful and powerful, and that RecurDyn may be the future for 3-Dimensional multi-body dynamics M&S work for tracked vehicles. Read more here:

CFD study to optimize the cooling performance of a narrow specialty tractor

The constant demand for enhanced engine performance has resulted in a significant increase in heat fluxes through vehicle cooling systems, pushing their design capabilities to the limit. This challenge is particularly pronounced in agricultural vehicles, especially specialty tractors, where the compact hood design exacerbates the cooling issue. Specialty tractors, such as those used in vineyards and orchards, operate under conditions that further strain the cooling system: they move at low speeds, function at higher operating temperatures, and often work in dirty environments. These factors collectively impede cooling performance and pose significant engineering challenges.

In this detailed technical article, we delve into a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) study that examines various design configurations for four distinct specialty tractors. The study includes two brands of specialty tractors configured for vineyard use and two brands designed for orchard operations. Through this CFD analysis, several critical aspects were evaluated. These included the distribution of heat flow rates through the hood openings, the airflow over the cooling packs and their efficiency in heat dissipation, and the temperature and airflow patterns in the underhood area and over the cabin.

The primary objective of the analysis was to enhance the overall cooling performance and ensure better operator comfort and safety. By scrutinizing the heat flow and temperature distribution, the study aimed to identify both the strengths and weaknesses of the initial designs. Furthermore, it assessed the impact of subsequent design modifications. The insights gained from this comprehensive evaluation allowed for significant improvements in thermal management. Importantly, these enhancements were achieved prior to the physical prototype testing phase, thereby accelerating the design process and leading to substantial time and cost savings.

The CFD study revealed several critical findings. For instance, it highlighted areas where the original cooling system designs were inadequate and pinpointed specific modifications that led to marked improvements in thermal efficiency. These findings are crucial as they provide a roadmap for optimizing cooling systems in future tractor models, ensuring they can operate efficiently even under the demanding conditions typical of agricultural environments.

For a more in-depth understanding of this study and its findings, you can access the full case study here: This comprehensive document offers a detailed account of the methodologies employed, the results obtained, and the implications for future tractor design and thermal management strategies.

CFD Consulting Study of Greenhouse Module for Space System


This feasibility study has been carried out to investigate and develop the characteristics of a greenhouse module for a future lunar base. The objective is to enhance the potential for human space exploration by developing bio-regenerative life support systems. These systems must meet all human needs to maintain adequate living conditions. In this context, a greenhouse module is a fundamental part of every concept for a stable and independent base in future space missions.

Importance of Bio-Regenerative Life Support Systems

To increase the possibilities for humans to explore space, the development of bio-regenerative life support systems is essential. These systems must fulfill all human needs to sustain sufficient living conditions. A greenhouse module can play a crucial role in such systems by closing various resource loops within a habitat. This includes recycling wastewater, reducing CO2 levels, and producing food and oxygen.

Key Functions of the Greenhouse Module

A greenhouse in a lunar base would (re-)generate essential resources for humans, enabling the following:

  1. Water Recycling: The greenhouse module can recycle wastewater, transforming it into clean, usable water. This is crucial for maintaining a sustainable water supply in the isolated environment of a lunar base.
  2. CO2 Reduction: Plants within the greenhouse can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen through the process of photosynthesis, thereby maintaining breathable air quality.
  3. Food Production: Growing edible plants in the greenhouse would provide a renewable source of food, reducing the dependency on supply missions from Earth.
  4. Oxygen Production: In addition to reducing CO2, the greenhouse module would produce oxygen, further supporting the life support system of the lunar base.


EnginSoft CFD experts employed advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD) techniques to analyze the greenhouse module’s design and functionality. The study focused on simulating the environmental conditions within the module, including temperature, humidity, and airflow patterns. These simulations help ensure optimal growing conditions for plants and efficient resource recycling processes.

Challenges Addressed

Several challenges were addressed during the study:

  • Microgravity Effects: Understanding how the lack of gravity on the Moon affects plant growth and fluid behavior.
  • Thermal Regulation: Designing a system that can maintain optimal temperatures for plant growth despite the extreme temperature variations on the lunar surface.
  • Radiation Protection: Ensuring that the greenhouse module can protect plants and equipment from harmful solar and cosmic radiation.

Benefits of the Study

The insights gained from this study are critical for the successful development of a sustainable greenhouse module for future lunar bases. The CFD analysis provided valuable data on the module’s performance under various conditions, guiding design improvements and ensuring the module’s reliability in supporting human life on the Moon.


This feasibility study has paved the way for the development of effective bio-regenerative life support systems, crucial for extended human missions in space. By demonstrating the viability of a greenhouse module for a lunar base, the study contributes to the broader goal of establishing sustainable human habitats beyond Earth.

For a more in-depth understanding of this study and its findings, you can access the full case study here: CFD Consulting Study of Greenhouse Module for Space System. This comprehensive document offers detailed insights into the methodologies employed, the results obtained, and the implications for future space exploration and habitat design.